The certificate certifying the quality management system applicable to the development and production of sorbents and low-tonnage chemical products was received by NPP Exsorb LLC on September 25, 2024.
This confirms the status of the enterprise as a responsible, conscientious developer and manufacturer of specialized sorbents and other chemical products for use for the purposes determined by the customer.
Eksorb Scope
- EKSORB creates highly selective composite inorganic sorbents with desired properties for more than 20 years
- The extensive practical experience allows EKSORB to develop products for cleaning liquid media, humans and animals from radionuclides and heavy metals.
- EKSORB constantly improves its technologies against global radiation threats.
EKSORB develops and produces high-tech chemical products. The company consists of Chemical Analytical Center accredited by State, Research and Development department and the production facility situated in Ekaterinburg. More than 40 years of practial experience allows the company to solve a wide range of tasks at any level of difficulty, such as:
- Revealing, analysis and express control of the maintenance of natural and artificial radionuclides in natural and industrial waters, in drinking water, sea water, milk and other liquids.
- Treatment and conditioning of liquid radioactive waste, spent ion exchange resins.
- Treatment of animals, contaminated with radionuclides.
- Development of main ingredient for pharmaceutical substance for treatment of cesium contamination
- Development of revolutionary new way to treat well waters from radon and radon decay products
Our products are successfully applied 25 years in territories of Russia, Belarus and Ukraine, eliminating the radiating pollution caused by failure of Chernobyl NPP. Some of our sorbents were used in 2001 at Fukushima site. Sorbents for water analysis are widely used by laboratories worldwide - Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Japan Atomic Energy Agency, Pacific Northwest laboratory, Texas A&M university and others.
Eksorb successfully collaborates with leading energy and engineering companies, such as Rosenergoatom, RosRAO, Nukem engineering services, Avantech inc, Energysolutions and many others.